
 “I was recommended to Matthew Hill by somebody in the industry I know and trust and I’m delighted by my choice. I have just had my Aston Martin DB 4 re-trimmed by Matthew and his knowledge and attention to detail has been simply astounding. There is seemingly nothing he doesn’t know about how the car left the factory and what is correct and what isn’t. At every part of the process he was approachable, informative and totally passionate about presenting me with a result beyond my expectations”

“I just wished to record my gratitude for the fabulous job you did on re-trimming the Daimler which has attracted much interest and many positive comments. Given your Aston skills I am confident that the result was considerably better than the original when the car left Browns Lane in 1967....Your encyclopaedic knowledge of Aston interiors really came to the fore when you quickly identified that the seat squabs had incorrect webbing. Life in the DB6 is much comfier now and your special radio housing has transformed the look of the lower dash area...…"

“Many thanks for transforming my helicopter interior into a place of luxury. The quality of work and materials and speed of installation were much appreciated. I wish you the success you deserve with your business"

"One of my valued customers with a unique Vanquish requested a modification to the passenger sun-visor to provide a mirror for the passenger.  Aston Martin would not provide this option but Matthew came up with a flawless solution which beautifully integrated the new mirror into the sun-visor, and which looked almost totally original including the location of the Air Bag notifications. A beautifully executed solution at a sensible cost."

“Thank you and your excellent team so much for the full re-trim that you did on my car. I delivered a bare shell of a DB2 Mark III to you following a restoration that took nearly 20 years plus three bags of old carpet and interior pieces but with no idea where any of them fitted as I did not take it apart. You took charge from day one to tell me what should go where, quickly worked out what pieces were missing and have created a work of art. I am so pleased”

“Needless to say I'm somewhat fastidious with my cars so I did my research and spoke to other club members and Aston specialists. The same company kept coming up so I took myself off to Matthew Hill Coach Trimming, spoke to Matt, got the guided tour and a warm feeling that not only was I dealing with someone who knew their trade but was also genuinely enthusiastic about working on our cars.
And so it proved - they had my car a few weeks and I was delighted with the quality of their work when I went to pick it up.”